Flower of God
A Jewish Family's 3,000-Year Journey from Spice to Medicine
By Herbert Ausubel
July 2011
Urim / Penina Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9781936068111
422 pages
$25.95 Paper original
The Flower of God: A Jewish Family's 3,000-year Journey from Spice to Medicine tells the story of the author's paternal ancestral family from the time of the Temple of Solomon to the present: their migration from ancient Israel to Babylon, to Persia, to Anatolia, to Europe and finally to the Unites States.
Dr. Herbert Ausubel's saga of his family history is a captivating story of the Jewish experience, at once universal and unique. It is Everyman's table, and the family's struggles are immediatelyrecognized by anyone who knows something of the immigrant's journey, whatever the ethnicity. It is easy to emphathize with the characters because Ausubel captures their humanity, and their difficult search for a hard-won life of dignity, purpose and acceptance.
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