God Bless You, My Dear Miss Nightingale
Letters From Emmy Carolina Rappe to Florence Nightingale 1867-1870
Stockholm Studies in English, No. XXXVIII

By Bertil Johansson
September 1977
Almqvist & Wiksell
Distributed by
ISBN: 9122000968
57 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2 x 9 1/2"
$33.50 Paper original

From the Preface:

Emmy Rappe's name is not very well known in Sweden, and yet many of her fellow countrymen have reason to remember her with gratitude. It is thanks to her pioneer work in the service to the organization that was to developn into the Swedish Red Cross that the standard of nursing in this country today is what it is...the publication of Miss Rappe's correspondence with Florence Nightingale is intended to bring to the notice of the public the work of a humble, unselfish lady, fervently dedicated to her vocation.


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