Haditha Ethics
From Iraq to Iran?
Spokesman 91

Edited by Ken Coates
October 2006
Distributed by
ISBN: 085124727X
94 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4"
$15.00 Paper Original

This issue of the Spokesman investigates the move from Iraq to Iran in President Bush's ongoing investigation of nuclear arms in the Middle East, centering on the slaughter in Haditha. If Bush proceeds as he has set out, it seems likely that the entire region will be consumed by violence. A section on the Bolivarian Revolution examines the election of Evo Morales as the president of Bolivia. Contributers to Haditha Ethics include: Gabriel Kolko, Pablo Neruda, Christopher Gifford, Evo Morales, and an interview with Hugo Chavez.

The World Comes Apart
The US Establishment and Al Qaeda
The Bolivarian Revolution
      Song for Bolivar
      Waiting for Bolivar
      Facing Down the Coup
Is Nuclear Power Safe?
These Are the Times
Where are the Secret Prisons?

Civil Rights
Political Advocacy

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