Higher Education Reforms in Finland & China
Experiences & challenges in post-massification era
TUP Higher Education Finance and Management Series

By Cai Yuzhuo & Kivisto Jussi
September 2011
Tampere University Press
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789514482496
261 pages
$87.50 Paper original

Written by a number of Finnish, Chinese and other international scholars, this book is the first attempt amongst international higher education research communities to study and compare the higher education policies and reforms of Finland and China in an international context. Although the two countries have different systems, the essential problems in their higher education policies and universities’ practices are quite similar and relevant to each other because of common reform trends on both sides. This book explores the challenges and experiences in post-massification stage of higher education from the perspectives of national policy, structures, financing, quality assurance, social interaction and internationalisation. It is intended for researchers, administrators, policy makers as well as students of higher education policy and administration.


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