Human Resource Management
A Strategic Approach to Employment

By S.K. Sharma
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788190794138
310 pages
$24.95 Paper Original

As more firms move outside the domestic borders into the dynamic world of international business, the globalisation of world markets apperas to be gaining momentum. This globalisation of business is forcing managers to grapple with complex issues as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage.

Faced with unprecedented levels of foreign competition at home and abroad firms are beginning to recognize not only that international business is high on top management list of priorities but that finding and nurturing the human resources required to implement and international or global strategy is of critical importnace. This book covers all aspects of human resource management and its imact on both individuals and organizations. The text builds on a foundation of research and theory, taking a practical approach focusing on critical issues and successful practices.


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