Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No.390
Edited by: Jorg Frey, et al.
June 2015
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161532122
529 Pages
$162.50 Paper original
In this volume the relevance of the Qumran discoveries for the interpretation of Jesus and the Jesus tradition and of the Pauline epistles is discussed in detailed studies and thematic overviews. The focus is on Jesus' position toward the Sabbath and his eschatology, Paul's use of the scriptures and his method of interpretation and the relevance of the Hodayot and of 4QInstruction for the interpretation of New Testament texts. An extensive study utilizes the Qumran insights on the Aramaic language in the late Second Temple period for a new Aramaic reconstruction of the Lord's Prayer.