Jewish Woman Next Door
Repairing the World One Step at a Time

By Flancbaum, Debby
July 2007
Urim Publications
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789657108956       
135 pages, Illustrated, 7 3/4" x 9 3/4"
$21.95 Hardcover

This is a collection of absorbing essays about contemporary Jewish women – some known throughout the world, others known only in their own communities – who engage in extraordinary acts of kindness. 

Although the women featured in this book come from all walks of Jewish life – religious, secular and everything in between – they are all linked together by a common thread: each of them contributes something meaningful to the world to make it a better place. 

Moreover, their commitment to Judaism provides them with the motivation to do the wonderful things that they do.  Women such as Ruth Gruber, who helped hundreds of Jewish refugees to escape from war-torn Europe, or Wendy Kay, who invites a constant stream of teenagers to her home for Shabbat, can inspire young Jewish women to reach greater heights.  The book provides contemporary role models to admire and to emulate.

Self-Help; Spiritualism

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