J.R.B. Stewart: An Archaeological Legacy

Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Vol. CXXXIX

Book Title

Edited by A. Bernard Knapp, et al.
February 2014
Astroms Forlag
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789170812538
239 Pages, Illustrated
$235.00 Hardcover


This volume presents the extensively revised papers from a conference held in honour of J.R.B. Stewart at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in March 2013. It is arranged in two sections: in the first, authors discuss aspects of current research on chronology, community, ceramic production, copper, environmental thought and the emergence of the state in Cyprus, demonstrating how Stewart's legacy has impacted the discipline, our interpretations of prehistory and our methodologies; the second contains a number of biographical pieces about Stewart, his colleagues and the role his widow, Eve, played in sustaining his work.
Part archaeology, part historiography and part biography, the volume seeks to assess Stewart's legacy within 20th century archaeological scholarship and in the context of our current understanding of Cyprus in the Bronze Age.