Kult und Macht
Religion und Herrschaft im syro-palastinensischen Raum
[In German]
Edited by Anne Lykke & Friedrich T. Schipper
January 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by
ISBN: 9783161500671
342 pages
$177.50 Paper original
In May 2008, as part of the graduate school "divine images - images of God - World Views: Polytheism and Monotheism in the Ancient World" at the Theological Faculty of the Georg-August-University Goettingen, an international colloquium on the interplay between religion and government in the Syro-Palestinian area place in Hellenistic and Roman times. The resulting volume contains the bulk of the presentations and was extended by several contributions.
Using an interdisciplinary approach attempts to combine the yield of different research disciplines and in a clear manner to produce a synthesis, thereby allowing alternative insights into the culturally and religiously pluralistic landscape Syro-Palestine in the Hellenistic and Roman times. The resutling volume contains the bulk of the presentations and was extended by several contributions.Using an interdisciplinary approach attempts to combine the yield of different research disciplines in a clear manner to produce a synthesis, thereby allowing alrenative insights into the culturally and religiously pluralistic landscape Syro-Palestine in the Hellenistic & Roman times.
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 319
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