Legacies of Harm

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Spokesman No. 96

Edited By Ken Coates
October 2007
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9780851247472
96 pages, 5 3/4 x 8 1/4"
$17.50 Paper Original


Ken Coates - Editorial
-  John Berger
Eyeless in Gaza  - Usamah Hamden, Michael Ancram MP, Jonathan Lehrle, Mark Perry
Israel  - Gabriel Kolko
The man without a country - James Alexander Thom     
Kurt is up in Heaven now  - Kurt Vonnegut
Two Poems  - Alexis Lykiard
Star Wars Again  -  Noam Chomsky
Manipulating the Security Council  - Hans von Sponeck interviewed by Silvia Cattori
Polonium-210 in London - Zhores Medvedev

Alvaro De Soto
Jimmy Carter
Johan Galtung

Michael Barratt Brown
Ken Coates
Stan Newens
Tony Simpson
Henry McCubbin

Politics; History

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