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Managerial Skills
Explorations in Practical Knowledge

By S.S. Gupta
November 2008
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788190721141
240 pages, Illustrated
$39.50 Hardcover

This book aims to raise awareness of the need to radically change mangement styles to fit with the new patterns of working in the 21st century. Each chapter provides ideas and discussion about a particular subject area and closes with an assessment of the skills that are required by managers in order to manage situations in a creative and dynamic way.

The case studies are also used to enable the reader to consider different ways in which management skills can be applied to business situations.Identifying and assessing the skills that are necessary for managers to possess in order for their business to flourish in this new age of technology, this book will prove valuable to students of business and management and practicing managers alike.



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