Materialism & Immaterialism in India & the West
History of Science Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilzation, Vol. XII, Part 5
Edited by Partha Ghose
October 2010
Centre for Studies in Civilization
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788187586425
903 pages
$157.50 Hardcover
Partial Contents:
1. Samkhya-Yoga
2. Madhyamaka Buddhism
3. Nyaya
4. Dualism
5. Modern Indian Thought
6. Greek Philosophy
7. Rationalism and Empiricism
8. Transcendental Idealism
9. Immaterialism
10. Process Philosophy
12. Logical Empiricism/ Positivism
12. Phenomenology
13. Constructive Empiricism
14. Internal Realism
15. Structuralism
16. Spacetime and Matter
17. Realism
18. Evolutionism
19.Philosophy of the Mind
20. Quantum MechanicsReturn to Coronet Books main page