Men, Women & Kabala
Ancient Wisdom, Practical Advise

Edited & Translated from the Hebrew by Tzvil Freeman
May 2004
Class One Press, Israel
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 0968240836     
48 pages, 5 1/4 x 5 1/4"
$9.95  Hardcover

GOD's imaeg is neither male nor female, but the union of both as one. And so on, from Solomon's Song of Songs to the mystical poetry of Tzfat and the fiery teachings of the Chassidic masters, no other image has played as dominant a role in the transmission of the inner wisdom of the Jews. This small treasure of a book presents classic texts of the Kabbalists in a fresh, captivating and lucid translation, revealing consistent themes, an enlightening approach - and some very radical notions.

Religion; Judaism

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