Narrative of Peace

The Spokesman No. 118

Edited by Tony Simpson
December 2012
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9780851248202
159 pages, Illustrated
$17.50 Paper original

Trevor Griffiths is a friend and comrade of the Russell Foundation of many years, going back to the 1960s and visits to London's Red Café. In 1982, Spokesman published Sons & Lovers,
his sparkling screenplay for the BBC's memorable adaptation of Lawrence's coalfield novel. Michael Billington, The Guardian's redoubtable and humane theatre critic, remarked that 'Trevor Griffiths is the godfather of British political theatre' and rightly described him as 'our foremost socialist dramatist'. We are pleased to fulfil a longstanding commitment made by Ken Coates to Trevor Griffiths that The Spokesman would publish March Time, his screenplay homage to the Labour Movement down the ages. Originally written in 1987, in the midst of Thatcherism, and revised in 1994, as Tony Blair stole the Labour Party, March Time has been revised again for publication here. As neo-liberal destruction of public provision reaches deep into education and the health service, and 'austerity' is seen to be not for the rich but only for the rest of us 'plebs', it couldn't be more fitting.


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