Nature of Philosophy

By Daya Krishna
December 2009
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788189963064
338 pages
$32.50 Hardcover

The Nature of Philosophy is a reprint of the very first book published by Daya Krishna. It is based on his doctoral work, completed in 1951 in the Department of Philosophy of Delhi University. The book is a critical examination of the presuppositions of the philosophical enterprise; it considers with admirable clarity and critical acumen diverse styles and genres of philosophical reflection: analysis, phenomenology, existentialism, and other historical modes of doing philosophy. Daya Krishna moves from one mode to another with great facility and seamless ease. Although written more than fifty years ago, the book is an impressive example of philosophical modernity.

The present reprinted version consists of the original twelve chapters and has an Introduction by Mrinal Miri as well as a Bibliography and an Index. The book is an outstanding contribution in philosophy and would be beneficial to scholars of various areas of philosophy, humanities, social and the natural sciences.

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