
Pedagogy, Prayer & Praise: The Wisdom of the Psalms & Psalter

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2.No.83

John the Baptist and the Jewish setting of Matthew

By: Catherine Petrany
December 2015
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161542725
258 Pages
$124.50 Paper original


The didactic, Wisdom similar passages in the Book of Psalms provide the reader of a mystery, because they point to a non-liturgical origin and an educational goal, which differs markedly from the dominant language of the Psalms, consisting of lament and praise. Catherine Petrany favor of a literary and theological approach to the question of the role of wisdom in the Psalms, which contributes to a meaningful integration into other discourses. The unique contextualization of wisdom motifs in the Psalms creates a unique educational platform for the book, which is related to the teaching of biblical wisdom texts, but also differs from them. The wisdom of speech of the people in the Psalms sighting down the classroom to the community and invites his listeners to become speakers, which means this week with the divine to enter.