Principles of Management
A Modern Approach

By P.K. Saxena
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9788190794152
303 pages
$24.95 Paper Original

Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials,and money.According to the management guru Peter Drucker,the basic task of a management is twofold: marketing and innovation. As a discipline, management comprises the interlocking functions of formulating corporate policy and organizing,planning,controlling, and directing the firm's resources to achieve the policy's objectives.

The size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies.The present book is written in keeping all the important aspects of management in mind.Principles of management give students an insight of what the management is all about. The language has been kept simple and easy to understand which students will find very useful.


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