Product Management
Product Lifecycles & Competitive Marketing StrategyBy Mayank Sharma
November 2009
Global India Publications
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789380228044
310 pages
$24.95 Paper Original
The aim of this book is to combine two managerial viewpoints. It blends product marketing with retail management, exploring an often hidden and overlooked part of the retail strategy so that the needs of undergraduate and/or postgraduate students, managers and practitioners are met. Modern Retail Management plays an important and vital role in the economics of all modern socities.
Author has tried to keep the language very simple, lucid and racy-so that you are inspired to read on. Every effort has been made to present the discussion more clear, and in systematic manner. The presentation of each chapter has been made more logical, starting with basic issues of each chapter has been made more logical, starting with basic issues of each topic and then moving on to refined matters.Special care has been taken to cover the entire syllabus of almost all the professional institutes and universities.
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