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Prophetie und Konigtum

Forschungen zum Alten Testament Series, Vol. 60

By Barbara Schmitz
December 2008
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161496653
462 pages, 9 1/4 x 6 1/4 "
$187.50 Hardcover

The tense relationship between 'prophecy' and 'monarchy' in view of the search for the true word of JHWH is present throughout the Books of Kings. How can one be certain that the prophets are really preaching the word of JHWH authentically? Due to the fact that it claims to preach the word of God, prophecy is always a controversial subject.

In the main texts of the Books of Kings (1 Kings 13 and 22), various specialists on the communication with God discuss the preaching of God's word and in doing so intervene in political conflicts in an argumentative manner. In this work, Barbara Schmitz studies these various perspectives in a narratological-historical methodology which she has developed and in an interdisciplinary discussion with literary studies.

