
Reading Dionysus: Euripides' Bacchae & the Cultural Contestations of Greeks, Jews, Romans, & Christians

Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum No. 95

Parables and Rhetoric in the Sermon on the Mount

By: Courtney J. P. Friesen
September 2015
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161541025
342 Pages
$129.50 Paper original


Courtney JP Friesen examines the shifting boundaries of ancient religions on the basis of reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides' Bacchae. This interdisciplinary study tracks appropriations of the drama and allusions to it between the fifth century BC. BC., And Byzantine times after, not only by "pagans", but also by Jews and Christians.