Remembrance of Things Past?

Albert Schweitzer, the Anxiety of Influence & the Untidy Jesus of Markan Memory
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neun Testament
2. No. 351


By Michael J. Thate
August 2013
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161526336                        
383 pages
$169.50 Paper original

Michael J. Thate offers in his book a study of the reception criticism, which discusses the creation and reception of discourse about the historical Jesus. He also tried the life of Jesus research fit into the secularization paradigm. These two perspectives guided by the two parts of the book. First, the author explains the dominance of the theories of Albert Schweitzer for the life of Jesus research , where it seeks to weaken the reception hegemony of the "great architect". In the second part Thate combines a critical theory of memory with other theoretical approaches to the subject, thereby attempting to understand the research on the historical Jesus, so that it is plausible to contribute to the interpretation of an early Christian memory strategy that was in the service of identity formation. His intention is to problematize Schweitzer's legacy of an orderly, systematized approach, where a large part of the contemporary historical Jesus research is still required.


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