Rereading the Relecture?

The Question of (Post)chronistic Influence in the Latest Redactions of the Books of Samuel

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Vol 66


Edited by: Uwe Becker & Hannes Bezzel
August 2014
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161519956
239 Pages
$105.00 Paper original


This volume presents collected essays of a symposium held in Jena in August 2012 whose main question was whether there was something like a post-chronistic feedback into the Books of Samuel. The articles investigate the relationship between I-II Sam and I Chr in general aspects as well as by means of a number of case studies. Can I Chr be regarded as a relecture of some Samuel scroll? If so, is it possible to identify some of the latest layers in Samuel as chronistically influenced, that is: as a rereading of the relecture ? And by which methods and criteria could that goal be achieved?


Survey of contents:

I. General Questions
Isaac Kalimi: Die Quelle(n) der Textparallelen zwischen Samuel-Könige und Chronik - Graeme Auld: The Text of Chronicles and the Beginnings of Samuel - Ehud Ben Zvi: Chronicles and Samuel-Kings: Two Interacting Aspects of one Memory System in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period - Christophe Nihan: Samuel, Chronicles, and "Postchronistic" Revisions: Some Remarks of Method

II. Case Studies
Georg Hentschel: Der Niedergang des Hauses Eli und der Aufstieg Zadoks - Peter Porzig: Postchronistic Traces in the Narratives about the Ark? - Reinhard Müller: Das theophore Element "-Baal" zwischen Samuel und Chronik - Uwe Becker: Wie "deuteronomistisch" ist die Samuel-Rede in I Sam 12? - Jürg Hutzli: Elaborated Literary Violence: Genre and Ideology of the Two Stories I Sam 22,6-23 and II Sam 21,1-14 - Cynthia Edenburg: II Sam 21,1-14 and II Sam 23,1-7 as Post-Chr Additions to the Samuel Scroll - Hannes Bezzel: Chronistisch beeinflusste Korrekturen am Bild Sauls in den Samuelbüchern? -Thilo Rudnig: Späte Bearbeitungen in der Davidüberlieferung