Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs

Forschungen zum Alten Testament
No. 2. 55


By Sun Myung Lyu
December 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161498725                       
154 pages
$87.50 Paper Original

Sun Myung Lyu combines findings from an ethics of character with the theological debate about social justice in the Bible and applies them to his exploration of the concept of righteousness in Proverbs. It shows that the spells very clearly characterize an ideal paradigm of people as morally correct life. The ideal man is distinguished from righteousness above all, and if such property and transcends individual virtues and certain morally right actions. The author first compares the sayings with the psalms and ancient Egyptian wisdom texts and notes in conclusion that the sayings - in spite of many similarities and parallel - so far out to form their own concept, as they are the character formation and the internalization of virtues as the basis of moral action in general, and of righteousness, especially in the center.


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