Son of David in Matthew's Gospel in the Light of the Solomon as Exorcist Tradition
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 415
By: Jiri Dvoracek
July 2016
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161540943
258 Pages
$117.50 Paper original
Jiří Dvořáček examined in this study, the title "Son of David" in Matthew. The Matthean image of healing David's Son must be understood on the background of contemporary Jewish traditions, especially in the context of the Solomon-as-Exorcist Tradition in his opinion. First, the author analyzes the main Davidsohn texts to show that in the 1st century.. Chr. With the title "Son of David" is not only the royal Davidic Messiah was meant but also David's son Solomon, the exorcism powers and magic knowledge have been attributed. Then Jiří Dvořáček indicates the exegesis of Matthew's pericopes as Matthew combined the royal messianic tradition with the Solomon-as exorcist tradition to create an image of the merciful, messianic, healing the king, the son of David, who, in his wisdom , his healings and exorcisms even David's son Solomon exceed.