Sparki: A Mouse Model to Study the In Vivo
Role of Selective Androgen Response Elements

Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 398

By Kris Schauwaers    
November 2007
Leuven University Press                                                        
Distributed by
ISBN: 9789058676191                                                     
138 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/8 x 9 1/2"
$97.50 Paper Original


Contents Include:

Chapter 1: General introduction and aim of the study

Chapter 2: Materials and methods

Chapter 3: In vivo analysis of the sparki mutation and generation of sparki mice

Chapter 4: Selective androgen response elements in vivo: the sparki model

Chapter 5: The epididymal phenotype of sparki males

Chapter 6: General conclusions and future perspectives

Medical Science

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