Spirit & the Restoration of Israel
New Exodus & New Creation Motifs in Galatians
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, No. 282


By Rodrigo J. Morales
August 2010
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by
ISBN: 9783161504358
209 pages
$97.50 Paper original

When the Apostle Paul asks the Galatians, “This alone I want to know from you: was it from works of the Law that you received the Spirit, or from the proclamation of faith?” he presumes a certain understanding of the significance of the Galatians’ Spirit experience. In this book, Rodrigo J. Morales offers an examination of the themes of new exodus, new creation, and the restoration of Israel in the Old Testament Prophets and in Second Temple Jewish literature.

In doing so he shows that Paul interpreted the outpouring of the Spirit as the sign of the fulfilment of God’s promises to restore Israel. In addition, Paul identifies the gift of the Spirit with the extension of the blessing of Abraham to the Gentiles because Deutero-Isaiah bound the restoration of Israel to the blessing of Abraham, as well as to the inclusion of the Gentiles.

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