
Strafrecht ohne Freiheitsstrafen-absurde Utopie oder logische Konsequenz


Studien und Beitrage zum Strafrecht No. 1

Parables and Rhetoric in the Sermon on the Mount

By: Jeldrik Muhl
October 2015
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by Coronet Books
ISBN: 9783161537899
216 Pages
$110.00 Hardcover


The imprisonment is counterproductive with regard to the rehabilitation of the sanctioned person.Their necessity for the other purposes of the criminal law has not yet been occupied. Therefore, your suppression was the central concern of many reforms. However, it is in the core area of ​​criminal law - the reaction medium and serious crime - remained the undisputed main sanction and experiences in this area even widening. Here, a criminal is not an absurd utopia without imprisonment. Rather, the abolition of each toughest penalty - ie an ongoing effort to humanize - the constitutive role of the criminal law. Even aspects of fair debt relief and the supposedly rising criminal needs of the population do not preclude the abolition of imprisonment. The decisive factor targeted by criminal symbolic illustration of the offense and the guilt severity is paramount that the sanctions system distinguishes between different severities of injustice and this is another in an appropriate ratio. The author argues that a criminal without imprisonment may be better suited to this requirement than the current system of sanctions. He developed modified runtime performance penalty constitutes a functionally equivalent but less disintegrating an alternative to imprisonment. At the same time it contains sensitive penal evil, to ensure on the way of humanizing non-negligible functional integrity of the criminal law.