Tskhinvali: Shock & Awe
The Spokesman, No. 101

By Ken Coates, ed.
December 2008
Distributed by
ISBN: 9780851247571
104 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4"
$19.50 Paper Original

Partial Contents:

  1. Editorial, by Ken Coates
  2. America's Role in Georgia
  3. In Praise of the High Shadow
  4. New American Cold War
  5. Intelligence Disgrace
  6. Punishing the Innocent
  7. Mohammed
  8. Nothing for the Hungry
  9. Roots of Hunger
  10. From Judgement to Calculation
  11. Revisiting Tom Paine
  12. Reviews

    Published by the Spokesman for the Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation


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