Ways to Professionalise School Leadership in Times
of Turbulence & Complexity

Edited By Paul Mahieu
December 2010
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789044126808
129 pages
$42.50 Paper Original

Educational institutions nowadays are faced with considerable challenges in times that are often marked as turbulent and complex. How can schools bring a proper response to the sometimes dramatic changes in society? Professionalisation of school leadership seems to be the key. Specialists illustrate forms of professionalisation in several European countries, such as selection, coaching, opening stages, competence management, portfolio use, networking, research and data management.

This book presents a selection of the papers that were presented at the 18th enirdelm-conference that was held in Antwerp on September 17 – 19th 2009. Enirdelm – European Network for Improving Research and Development in Educational Leadership and Management is a network of school leaders, decision makers and trainers who meet every year around a different theme. The theme of the 18th edition of this conference was ‘Leading Educational Institutions in Times of Turbulence and Complexity’.


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