World Heritage of Bulgaria [In English & Bulgarian]
Edited By Magdalina M. Stancheva
December 2010
Marin Drinov Academic Publishing
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789548104227
242 pages, Illustrated
$125.00 Hardcover
The specialized representative edition of the World Heritage of “Bulgaria” is devoted to the valuables in the territories in Bulgaria, included in the List of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The list is compiled at the initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The themes present an article on the Convention, concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage acquainting the brad reading public with the care for protection of world values, applied over the decades by UNESCO.
The authors are leading specialists from several Institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the National Institute for Monuments of Culture, and others. They have taken part in the discovery of Bulgarian cultural and natural sites, their study, restoration and protection and the proposal to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to be recognized as part of the World Heritage.
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