Write it Right
How to Overcome the Fear & Avoid the Pitfalls of Writing Compositions

By Anajee Singh, et al.
November 2006
Distributed by
ISBN: 9679789330
221 pages, Illustrated, 6 7/8 x 10"
$22.50 Paper Original

English composition skills prove indispensable for effective communication in the 21st century. Write it Right focuses on improving writing skills by examining different genres of text. It is specifically written with Malaysian English learners in mind. Specific attention is given to maneuvering through a fear of writing, developing personal style, and avoiding common mistakes in composition writing.
Chapter 1. Writing
Chapter 2. Model Compositions: People
Chapter 3. Model Compositions: Environmental Issues
Chapter 4. Model Compositions: Values
Chapter 5. Model Compositions: Social Issues
Chapter 6. Model Compositions: Issues on Science & Technology & Health
Chapter 7. Prize-Winning Compositions
Chapter 8. Relax & Read: Stories Retold in Verse
Chapter 9. References

Language Learning

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