New Framework of Special
Education in the Russian Federation

Edited By Jan de Groof & Gracienne Lauwers
December 2000
ISBN: 90-441-1011-X
242 pagess
$31.50 paper original

Contents include: Foreword. Special Education: Global Framework. Trends and New Thinking in Europe on Special Needs Education. Comparative Analysis of Legislation regarding Special Education in European Countries. Implementing the Basic Rights of Children with Disabilities. Comparative Analysis of Training Orthopedagogues at the University of Ghent and Defectologists at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Brief Reflections on The Federal Law "On Special Education." Special Education and Integration of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation. The Flemish-Russian Cooperation in Educational Matters. Statistics. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Education of People with Reduced Health Possibilities (Special Education)" Text and Comments. Appendices.


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