Old is Better
New Testament Essays in Support
of Traditional Interpretations

By Robert H. Gundry
September 2005
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161485513
468 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ¼"
$215.00 Hardcover

Current study of the New Testament features many new interpretations. Robert Gundry's book finds them largely wanting and defends traditional ones. Several of its essays have never been published before. Most of the rest, though previously published, have been updated and otherwise revised, sometimes heavily.

The studies cover a wide variety of topics in New Testament study, ranging from the Gospels to Revelation and much in between, as for example theological diversity, symbiosis between theology and genre criticism, pre-papian tradition concerning Mark and Matthew as apostolically Johannine, and mishnaic jurisprudence as compatible with Jesus' blasphemy.

1. Hermeneutic Liberty, Theological Diversity.
2. Symbiosis of Theology & Genre Criticism of the Canonical Gospels.
3. Johannine Pre-Papian Tradition.
4. Secret Gospel of Mark.
5. Jesus' Blasphemy According to Mark.
6. Jewish-Christian or Christian-Jewish?
7. Salvation in Matthew.
8. Sermon on the Mount.
9. Alternative Reading of Q 12:22b.
10. Physicality of Jesus' Resurrection.
11. Inferiority of the New Perspective on Paul.
12. Non-imputation of Christ's Righteousness.
13. Moral Frustration of Paul.
14. Philippians 2:6-11.
15. Hellenization of Dominical Tradition.
16. Is John's Gospel Sectarian?
17. John's Prologue.
18. John 3:14-17.
19. Angelomorphic Christology in Book of Revelation.
20. New Jerusalem.
Indexes of Ancient Sources, Modern Authors, Selected Topics.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchengen zum Neuen Testament, No. 178

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