Paul's Use of Isaiah in Romans
A comparative study of Paul's Letter to the Romans
& the Sibylline & Qumran sectarian texts
By Shiu-Lun Shum
December 2002
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3-16-147925-4
333 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/8"
$117.50 paper original
The author shows how, in using material from Isaiah's sayings, Paul, the Sibyls & the Qumranites shared great concerns about Israel's fate. He examines how Isaiah provided them with a wealth of vocabulary & concepts for their theological formulations.
Contents include: Methodology. How much did first century Jews know of the prophetic literature? Evidence from the NT, Apocrypha, Josephus, Philo, Mishnah. The use of Isaiah in the Third & Fifth Books of the Sibylline Oracles. The use of Isaiah in Qumran literature. Paul's use of Isaiah in the Letter to the Romans. Hermeneutical characteristics of the Sibyls, the Qumran sectarians & Paul. Distinctive Isaianic themes in these writings. Divine judgment of disobedient Israel & Israel's final restoration. Monotheism. The Suffering Servant Song. Bibliography. Index of Sources. Index of Modern Authors. Index of Subjects.

WissUNT zum Neuen Testament. Vol 2. No. 156
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