Pharmacy Regulation in Sweden
A New Institutional Economic Perspective
By Klas Oberg
December 2003
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-22-02005-5
161 pages, 6" x 8 ¾"
$57.50 Paper Original
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to analyze and to explain the institutional change in the provision of pharmaceuticals in Sweden. The thesis' contribution is studies of this specific institutional development. New Institutional Economic theory is used to scrutinize the driving forces of this development. The thesis consists of three papers. The purpose of the first paper is to discuss and to analyze the historical roots of the set of rules and regulations, a development which mainly took place during the 17th century. The objective of the second paper is to describe and analyze the change in organization of pharmacies in Sweden that took place during the first decades of the 20th century. The third study compares Sweden and Denmark, and focuses the role played by the choice of regulatory system in the 1900s in terms of the number of pharmacies and prices of pharmaceuticals.
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