Promote or Protect?
Perspectives on Media Literacy & Media Regulations

Edited By Cecilia von Feilitzen & Ulla Carlsson
December 2004
NORDICOM / Goteborg University
ISBN: 9189471237
260 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾" x 9 ¾"
$125.00 Paper Original

"Promote or Protect?" This is the theme of this sixth yearbook from the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media. The reality the title seeks to capture is briefly this: Modern information technology and the deregulation and increasing commercialization of the media sector that followed in its wake have changed the face of the media landscape quite dramatically.

The volume of media content seems to know no limits. Good shares of the people in this world - albeit far from all - have access to an abundance of information and entertainment via television, books, periodicals and the Internet. Among media consumers, young people have increasingly attracted media industries' interest, both because they are major consumers of the media and because they hold the key to future markets, as well. With the above-mentioned changes in the media landscape, media producers, both commercial and public, have focused their energies on "winning" youthful audiences.

Yearbook 2003

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