Painting the Holy Land in
the Nineteenth Century

By Yehoshua Ben-Arieh
Translated from the Hebrew by Ziporah Brody & Ethel Broido.
Edited by Yohai Goell
October 1997
Yad Izhak Ben-Ziv, Yedioth Ahronoth, Hemed Books
ISBN: 965-217-135-2
320 pages, illustrated
$44.50 hardcover set

Filled with color and black & white illustrations of paintings about the Holy Land, this unique book provides a pictorial depiction of the sacred land-its landscapes, sites and inhabitants.

Chapters include: Painting Palestine. Grand Tour. The Holy Land-Sites & Scenes. Landscape Painting of William Henry Bartlett. Victorian Artists. Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. French Artists. German Artists. British Artists. American Painters & Illustrators. Art and Photography. Albums of Illustrations. Travel Guides. Murals. Jewish Illustrators. Notes. Indexes. Bibliography.

Art History; Religion

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