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Paul Between Synagogue and State

Christians, Jews, and Civic Authorities in 1 Thessalonians, Romans, and Philippians

By Mikael Tellbe
June 2001
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 91-22-01908-1
340 pages
$63.00 paper original

This study attempts to reconstruct the interactions between Christians, Jews, and civic authorities in Thessalonica, Rome, and Philippi in the middle of the first century CE and investigates how interactions in this tripartite relation shaped the self-understanding and identity of the Christian communities of 1 Thessalonians, Romans, and Philippians. It is argued that the need for socio-political legitimacy in the Greco-Roman society was a pressing need for the Christian movement not only from the late first century onward, but already in the middle of the first century.

Coniectanea Biblica, New Testament Series, No. 34.