Peter of Auvergne [In English & Latin]
Questions on Aristotle's De Caelo.
A Critical Edition with an Interpretive Essay

By Griet Galle
December 2003
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-322-7
640 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ¾"
$250.00 Hardcover

The questions on Aristotle's De Caelo (DC) by Peter of Auvergne contain a wealth of material for the study of the reception of DC in the 13th century and Peter's own views in cosmology and natural philosophy. This book contains a critical edition of these questions along with an extensive introduction to the text. The first chapter of Part I deals with Peter of Auvergne's life and work, the reception of DC in the 13th century, the different treatises on DC that are attributed to Peter, and the composition and sources of Peter's questions on DC. The second chapter of the introduction contains an interpretive study of these questions. Here is discussed Peter's division of the sciences, his cosmological theories concerning the universe, the heavens, the earth and the sublunary world, and some general topics in medieval natural philosophy. The third chapter of part I provides an introduction to the critical edition. Part II contains the critical edition of two different sets of questions on DC attributed to Peter of Auvergne. One set is preserved in the manuscripts (MSS) Vienna, Dominikanerkonvent 150/120, fols.. The second part also contains a non-critical edition of some excerpts of Peter's commentary on DC III, 1-3.

Ancient & Medieval Philosophy, De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Series I, No. 29

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