Political Essays
By Roy A. Medvedev
ISBN: 0-85124-151-4
151 p.
$33.50 Cloth
As well being an eminent historian and one of the most notable members of the 'dissedent' movement in the Soviet Union, Roy Medvedev is a prolific writer on matters of social concern and a valuable guide to the literary controversies that have broken out among the Russian intelligentsia.
This book is of particular interest to students of Solzhenitsyn, whose Gulag Archipelago is considered perceptively and at length. It includes a brilliant polemic against Solzhenistyn's controversial pronouncement on Socialism, the Soviet Union and the West.
The book enters a resonant defence of detente and demonstrates mature understanding of international politics. With these writings Roy Medvedev consolidates his reputation an an independent socialist thinker of the first rank.
European Studies
Political Science
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