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Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica

Edited by Ailbhe Ó Corráin
September 2001
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-5025-3
159 pages, illustrated
$46.50 paper original

This volume contains papers read at the fifth symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica, plus a contribution by a former postgraduate student of the Celtic Section. A number of the papers illustrate the strong connection between the Nordic and Cleric countries and investigate respectively the impact of the Vikings on Ireland, the presence of old Norse nautical terms in early Irish narratives and possible Irish influence on nomenclature in Icelandic sagas. Other articles deal with the remains of the Continental Celtic language known as Galatian, the form and function of early Irish injunctions, and the history and present position of the language of Brittany. A final article provides phonetic information on an Irish dialect from Co. Donegal.

Language Studies
Studia Celtica Upsaliensia, No. 4