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Revelation and Concealment of Christ
An Inquiry into the Elusive Language of the Fourth Gospel

By Saeed Hamid-Khani
Aug. 1999
J.C.B. Mohr
ISBN: 3-16-147138-5
300 p.
$147.50 Paper

The elusive disposition of John’s language has been noted by biblical scholars throughout the history of New Testament studies. The Fourth Gospel is seen as so simple to grasp and yet often pointing beyond itself and beckoning the reader to read deeper. Various socio-linguistic studies have explained this feature of the sectarian tendencies in the Johannine Christianity. This book questions these approaches as inadequate. It examines John’s language within an exegetical and theological framework and argues that the spirit of the language was in an environment in which the Hebrew Scriptures were the dominant conceptual force for both Jews and Christians.

Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe