Robot Modelling & Simulation
By Theodor Borangiu & Florin Ionescu
October 2002
Editura Academiei Romane
ISBN: 973-27-0927-8
436 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾" x 9 ½"
$147.50 Paper Original
Robotics represents a multidisciplinary topic which needs nowadays a broad range of competencies, from solid body mechanics, sensors and actuators to microelectronics, microprocessors, programming and LANs. A systemic approach clarifies both modeling of the motion process supported by the manipulator's structure, and control and communication aspects for integration in manufacturing tasks. Because the motion process is carried out by the manipulator's mechanical structure, one has to understand first how motion is described with respect to location mapping, velocity profiles and dynamic behavior.
This topic is covered by robot manipulator modeling. Constructing visual robots, animating them and simulating their kinematic and dynamic behavior is of interest when actual robot structures have to be tested or upgraded for carrying out particular tasks, or when new mechanical manipulator arms and grippers have to be designed. A large number of fully documented computation programs related to modeling are in detail exemplified either on typical arm and wrist structures or on well known robot complete manipulator structures like AdeptOne, ABB, Yaskawa Motoman, Stanford, Sony or SCORBOT. A number of problems to be solved are proposed at the end of each chapter of the book. This book is recommended to students graduating technical high schools and universities, to researchers and technical personnel of R & D and production companies, who design, integrate and are in charge of the maintenance of industrial robots in production and services. There are two types of people who will enjoy reading about this topic. One of them comprises young researchers who might eventually contribute to the development of new intelligent robot control techniques. The other, perhaps at a broader extent, consists of integrators of robot systems in manufacturing using advanced information technologies.
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