Ransom Logion in Mark & Matthew
Its Reception & Its Significance for the Study of the Gospels
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 327
By J. Christopher Edwards
September 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distrubuted by
ISBN: 9783161517808
199 pages
$108.00 Paper Original
The ransom logion, as portrayed in Mark 10:45 and Matthew 20:28 is the only place outside of the Eucharist in the Synoptic Gospels in which Jesus indicated his imminent death. This has triggered a fierce debate about the authenticity and the biblical background of the ransom logion in Mark and Matthew. Nevertheless, neither the perception of this logion in early Christianity examined, nor the significance of his reception was explored in Mark and Matthew. This gap is closed by J. Christopher Edwards by this study by examining the reception of the ransom logion starting with the New Testament to the third century and explores the possible significance of the reception for the critical analysis of the writings of Mark and Matthew. This approach has its legitimate reason that allows the reception of the importance of the ransom logion identify patterns, which in turn illuminate how the ransom logion might be understood in the context of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew.
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