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Reliability Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Design

By G.C. Avontuur
December 2000
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2074-6
251 pages, illustrated
$63.00 paper original

This Ph.D. thesis answers the following questions: Can the reliability analysis process be automated, and are the results produced by the automated method satisfactory? Can the automated method be integrated in the conceptual design process, and can the designer execute the reliability analysis himself? Does the integrated reliability analysis method improve the designs? To answer these questions a design and reliability analysis method was developed and implemented into software. Contents include: Introduction. Reliability in the design process. Finite element theory. Description of the software package. Calculation of the probability of failure. Qualification, verification, validation, and evaluation. Finite element program. Component modeler. Reliability analysis course manual for mechanical engineers [in Dutch language].

Mechanical Engineering