Religious Apologetics -
Philosophical Argumentation
[In English & German]
Religion in Philosophy & Theology No. 10

Edited By Yossef Schwartz & Volkhard Krech
August 2004
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161483103
574 pages, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$127.50 Paper Original

The dialog between the religions and various cultures has shown their common ground and emphasized the differences which characterize the individual religion or cultural identity. This volume shows how the boundaries between the talk of apologetics and philosophical argumentation fade and it combines historical and contemporary case studies from Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Contents include: On the Conditions for Systematic Theology in a Global Public, In the Name of the One and of the Many: Augustine and the Shaping of Christian Identity, An Apology for Mr. Toland in a Letter to Himself, Autobiography as Self Apology. From Deism through Transcendentalism to Atheism: Benjamin Franklin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Adams, On Theologization of Kabbalah in Modern Scholarship, Leo Strauss' Rediscovery of the Exoteric, A Philosophical Myth in the Service of Christian Apologetics? Manichees and Origenists in the Sixth Century, Critique of Sculptures: Polemics of al-Jahiz and Ibn Hazm against Christianity and Judaism, Reason and Faith: Inter-religious Polemic and Christian Identity in the 13th Century, Self-Definition, Apology, and the Jew Moses Maimonides: Thomas Aquinas, Raymundus Martini, Meister Eckhart, Nicholas of Lyra, Choices for Changing Frontiers: The Apologetics of Philio of Alexandria, The Two Sons of the One Father: The Salvation-Historical Interpretation of Luke 15:11-32.

Philosophy; Religion

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