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The Rising Power of Yeasts
in Science & Industry

Tenth International Symposium

Edited by Johannes P. van Dijken & W. Alexander Scheffers
December 2000
Delft University Press, The Netherlands
ISBN: 9040720673
502 Pages, Illustrated
$79.50 paper original


Partial contents: functional genome analysis; biodiversity of yeasts; transporter families; chromosomal position effect; genetic analyses; software environment for analysis; medical mycology - human pathogens, teleomorphs, Candida tropicalis, genotypic variability, phylogenetic species; food mycology -mineral-enriched yeast biomass, molecular methods for monitoring food & beverage yeasts, cheese production, dry sausages, spoilage species, benzoic acid, flavor formation by yeasts and molds; stress responses & signal transduction; taxonomy, phylogenetics & evolution; regulation of C and N metabolism; metabolic engineering; beverages; biodiversity & ecology; protein production; cell wall & flocculation; workshop taxonomy; organelle biogenesis; and much more.

ISY 2000