Robust Multivariable Control of Aerospace Systems

By Declan Bates & Ian Postlethwaite
December 2002
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2317-6
209 pages, 6 ½ x 9 ½"
$73.00 Paper Original

Contents include: Robust control methods as multivariable developments of the classical approach, Useful tools from linear systems theory, Controllability and observability, Uncertainty models and robustness measures, Classical robustness analysis of aerospace control laws, Limitations of gain and phase margins, Unstructured uncertainty in MIMO aerospace systems, Structured uncertainty in MIMO aerospace systems, Robust aerospace control system design, Design specifications and fundamental tradeoffs, Direct incorporation of flying qualities specifications, Implementation of aerospace control systems, Anti-windup and bumpless transfer schemes, and Scheduling of multivariable control laws.


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