Shamanic Shadows:
One Hundred Generations of Undead Subversion
in Southern Scandinavia, 7,000 - 4,000 BC

By: Jimmy Strassburg
May 2000
Stockholm University
ISBN: 91-7265-102-4
482 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾ x 9 ¾"
$110.00 hardcover


Partial contents: Socio-cultural practice. Queer Practice Theory. Obituary of Ritual. Unsettling the Sex-Gender distinction. Normative ordering of sexual practices. Age & kinship. Materiality. Objects & places shaping time. Prehistoric remains. Worlds of spirits. Shamans & spirits in pre-Ceramic times. The Maglemose. The Blak Tadition. The Aceramic, an age asunder. Sexually corrected corpses. Problem of socially measuring aceramic bodies. Abandoning undisciplined undead. Sexual practices after death. Aceramic correctional facilities. Rise of the pointed base ware. Feasting on the dea. Ebb of the pointed base ware. 79 illustrations. References. Index.

Stockholm Studies in Archaeology, No. 20

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