Socialist Enterprise
Reclaiming the Economy

By Diana Gilhespy, Ken Jones, et al.
December 1986
ISBN: 0-85124-460-2
230 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾" x 8 ½"
$67.50 hardcover

Socialist Enterprise plots a bold alternative course for the economy, building on the experience of the trade union and labor movements of the last decade. Escape from economic catastrophe, the authors argue, will require more than just changes in the way the economy is managed from the top. There must also be a fundamental redistribution of economic power in our society.

Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Economic power in Britain. Planning now. A right to paid work. Extending democracy in industry: The case for strategic planning. Extending democracy in industry: Socialist enterprise. Democratic control and the state. Beyond production: Democracy in the unpaid sector. Case study: Telecommunications. Case study: Motors. Case study: Textiles and clothing. The politics of socialist enterprise. Bibliography. Contributors.


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